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Previous Articles

Return to Rock Solid – David’s Story

I chose to live in fantasy for many years trying to pretend I was someone else. It was at Rock Solid Refuge that I realized that God has a voice. The Community of Rock Solid was something I could never forget even after I returned to New Brunswick.

What we are grateful for

At this time of year, it’s important to stop and think about all that things that we are grateful for.

Rebel to Redeemed

I can’t express how happy I am that there is hope for me and others – that God’s grace is always there to bring us back to Him.

Welcome, Youth Quake!

We are excited to have you on our site! Real quick, we have all sorts of resources and videos that are useful for teenagers, youth workers, parents, or anyone who wants to be a help to young people. There is a lot here for anyone interested in helping young people, whether they're overcoming life controlling issues or simply navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence.

Click the face of the person leading the seminar you are in, or find a few selected resources below.

Have a great weekend!

Working with Disrespectful Teens

Has your once sweet and obedient child turned into a door-slamming, yelling, cursing, and disrespectful teenager?

Warning Signs

All teens are susceptible. Parents who say, “Not my kid,” are the same parents who stay in denial until their son or daughter is in real trouble.

Meaningful Conversations

Starting a conversation with your teen won’t always be easy. But with smart techniques and a humble heart … you can make a meaningful connection.

What is Cutting?

The key to resolution of any issue is to get to the heart of the issue. And the best way to get to the heart of the issue is through a relationship….one that says to them, “I’ll walk with you through anything, and I’ll stand in front of you if you’re moving to a place that you don’t want to be.”

We hope that this content has been informative and helpful. It is our desire to help families and bring struggling teens back together. We encourage you to share this information with others who may be in need.


Our ministry is primarily funded by our supporters, both individuals and churches, who partner with us to bring about restoration in these young men's lives. To join them in supporting Rock Solid Refuge and our ongoing ministry, please click here to donate!


Thank you for your support.

Welcome, Youth Quake!