Paul Dean

Paul Dean

10 Years in the Making

Our 10 Year anniversary documentary "10 Years in the Making: The Rock Solid Refuge Story" is a great place to start whether you want to know more about who we are, what we do, or why we do it.

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Long time Youth Pastor, Micah Downing, talks about his experience coming into Rock Solid Refuge from a more traditional ministry.

40 Developmental Assets

Grounded in research on child and adolescent development, risk prevention, and resiliency, assets are surprisingly easy to build! Asset building is about relationships—anyone can do it!

What is Cutting?

The key to resolution of any issue is to get to the heart of the issue. And the best way to get to the heart of the issue is through a relationship….one that says to them, “I’ll walk with you through anything, and I’ll stand in front of you if you’re moving to a place that you don’t want to be.”