Category Resources

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Oppositonal Defiance Disorder

Some oppositional behavior during adolescence is normal and expected. But there is a difference between an occasionally rebellious child or teen and one who has a consistent drive to defy authority.

Teen Substance Abuse

One of the things that can scare a parent more than anything else is when they suspect that their son or daughter may be using or abusing drugs...

Reactive Attachment Disorder

Only with intentional, long-term treatment can RAD truly be overcome. Studies have shown that this treatment is typically most successful during two times in a child’s life—early adolescence and in their thirties.

Teens with Bipolar Disorder

If you know that your child is struggling with bipolar disorder, make a conscious effort to separate yourself from the thoughts or judgments of others while seeking out positive supports.

Warning Signs

All teens are susceptible. Parents who say, “Not my kid,” are the same parents who stay in denial until their son or daughter is in real trouble.