Newsletter: Autumn 2021

From ADHD to a Master's Degree

I was told by a teacher I would not succeed, that higher education was not possible. I could not achieve because academically I was unable. Those words haunted me because I knew deep down that was not true. School was difficult, not impossible. At that moment I had a choice to believe what was said or I needed to change the narrative I was told.

Eight years later I received a Bachelor’s degree and now a Master’s in Counselling. I also have ADHD, a chemical imbalance and spent one school year in special education. My journey has been difficult and some days were incredibly hard. When I look back at the struggles, I can honestly say it has been worth it. I work with people who feel they cannot learn or the road is too hard. I get it. There is a struggle in life, yet there is also hope for a better future.
- James Simpson

We hope that this content has been informative and helpful. It is our desire to help families and bring struggling teens back together. We encourage you to share this information with others who may be in need.


Our ministry is primarily funded by our supporters, both individuals and churches, who partner with us to bring about restoration in these young men's lives. To join them in supporting Rock Solid Refuge and our ongoing ministry, please click here to donate!


Thank you for your support.

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