Lead The Keys in Your Community!
God Can Use You!
Thank you for your interest in helping the families and concerned persons of struggling teens. It can be hard to find the support that you need when a teen you love has life controlling issues. By leading “The Keys” in your community, you can help encourage and provide hope for people when times seem the toughest.

Designed for Lay People
The Keys is specifically designed to be run by ordinary people. You don't need to be an expert or have a degree to make a difference. God has used everyday people, just like you, to bring hope and healing through all of human history. The Keys will equip you to bring God's hope to the suffering in your community.
Missionary at Home
Too often we think of a missionary as someone going over seas to make a difference in another country, but you can take the Word of God and His power into your own community! You can use The Keys to reach out to the brokenhearted and downtrodden who need your help in these difficult times.

Support for Leaders
A member of our team will get in touch with you to help you prepare to lead The Keys in your community. We will provide support and guidance as you get started as well as check in with you from time to time to see if we can provide any further help.
Equipping the Called
We have developed The Keys to equip you with the tools you need to bring change into the hearts and lives of those around you. On top of the workbook, Leaders have access to a growing library of support to help you develop your skills leading groups and providing encouragement to others.

In order to help you spread the word about The Keys, we have developed a series of posters, powerpoints, and social media posts that you may choose to utilize in promoting your group. These are free of charge and easy to change to fit your needs.