Freedom For Fourteen
Mark 4:14 - The Sower sows the Word
Help fill all fourteen beds so more teens and their families can find freedom in Christ.
Ensuring the safety and security of fourteen troubled youth and bringing the gospel of Christ into their life is no small task.
By supporting Freedom for Fourteen, you are helping sow the Word into more young lives through providing additional Youth Care Workers (YCWs) at Rock Solid Refuge. Through relational influence, role modelling, and authority the YCWs teach and demonstrate the love of Christ daily.
When students look back on their time at Rock Solid Refuge, it's not the buildings or the activities that they remember, it's the people. It's the relationships. Many of these staff-student relationships last beyond a student's time at Rock Solid and some are lifelong friendships that continue to bear fruit long after either of them set foot on Rock Solid's campus.
Give generously, and help sow the seeds of the Word in the hearts of troubled teens.
Charitable #81689 7946 RR0001
Tax receipts issued annually in February